Welcome to St. Mary Nativity School

What We Offer

A commitment to excellence including a curriculum and resources that provide academic rigor, critical thinking, problem-solving, and real-world activities.
Catholic identity rooted in all curricula including weekly school Mass, faith-based, and community service projects.
Focus on Social Emotional Learning, moral development, social justice awareness, and leadership skills
Environment conducive to academic and faith growth
Differentiated instruction to reach all learners

3 and 4-year-old all-day preschool, kindergarten, grade 1-8

Register today by visiting St. Mary Nativity School or by calling 815-722-8518

St. Mary Nativity offers the tuition transfer grant for students going into grades 1-7 who transfer into St. Mary Nativity from public schools. For more information, call our school office at 815-722-8518. We look forward to hearing from you.